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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Craziness in NYC!!!

On 8/25/2012 10:22 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> Things like that can happen when a murderer puts a gun practically
>> in your face. A lot of adrenaline flowing there. This guy had just
>> assassinated someone.

> Cops so often get a bad rap. Remember, we (the taxpayers) hire them to
> shield us from all the bad, evil people in any society...and there's a lot
> of them. Most come out at night when most of the "decent" people are at
> home sleeping.
> The cops don't go to an office and safely work on a computer, drink coffee,
> and have a great day. They are sent out to deal with the scum that are
> everywhere. If I was a cop and a bad guy pointed a gun in my face, I'd empty
> my clip into less worthless piece of crap. Better him than me.

Without concern for the safety of others even if you were on a crowded
city street?

> I've had a few encounters with cops in my lifetime, mostly minor traffic
> violations but once I got pulled over because me and my van fit a
> discription of someone who had just robbed a restaurant. (That was an
> interesting episode!@)
> Anyway, any time I've gotten stopped I've always been very polite (not
> ****ed off and argue). I've avoided some tickets they could have given me
> because of that.
> Remember, these guys deal with the scum of society. When they show up to
> deal with you, they are probably assuming you might be one too.
> If you think policemen are bullies and arrogant, wait until you need to call
> one to help you and see how happy you are when they show up quickly.
> Gary
> PS - in my city, the police get pretty damn good pay and benefits. Once you
> consider the dangerous job they take on each shift though, I think they are
> probably underpaid.