On 8/25/2012 10:24 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 10:07:26 -0400, George >
> wrote:
>>> Things like that can happen when a murdered puts a gun practically
>>> in your face. A lot of adrenaline flowing there. This guy had just
>>> assassinated someone.
>>> nancy
>> Sure but shouldn't we expect better judgment as to how many shots they
>> fired? The cops did know they were on a crowded street with people in
>> the line of fire.
>> CCTV of police shooting Empire State Building gunman
>> http://youtu.be/6W8cHwNuqH4
> You would think that, they are trained, practiced, etc. But we are
> talking real life here. Much as we'd like to say exactly how it
> should have happened, if someone was pointing a guy at you, you'd
> react, not stop and think about the situation.
Reality is most cops just have to qualify to meet a minimum standard.
If I was in that scenario I would not have emptied a clip into someone
if I was on a crowded city street. You are supposed to know what is in
the line of fire and what damage you can cause.
> This guy already killed and you will be next. I'd like to see your
> reaction.