Craziness in NYC!!!
"Christopher M." wrote:
> "George" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 8/24/2012 10:24 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> >> On 8/24/2012 10:16 PM, Christopher M. wrote:
> >>> "zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> >>
> >>>> Point of order: *It was the cops who shot the passers-by*
> >>>>
> >>>> It started out as a routine homicide inside the ESB; one shooter and
> >>>> one
> >>>> targeted victim he had a grudge against. When the shooter was getting
> >>>> away cops outside the building opened fire into the crowd, killing
> >>>> the bad
> >>>> guy and injuring a bunch of bystanders.
> >>
> >>> It was more like a gunfight, Bob. The officers were wounded.
> >>
> >> Who wounded them? They weren't shot by the gunman, all of his
> >> bullets are accounted for. I haven't heard anything about the
> >> cops being hurt.
> >>
> >> nancy
> >>
> >
> > The initial lets invent something reports painted the gunfight picture.
> >
> > The later reports all seem to say it was a murder and suicide by police
> > after the murderer drew on the two cops who were tipped off by the
> > construction workers. Bystander injuries all seem to be related to police
> > overreacting. One officer fired nine times and the other seven times.
> If a person pointed a gun at me I'd keep shooting until they hit the ground.
Would you be missing more than half the shots at point blank range? Do
you believe that a person who is shot would instantly be knocked off
their feet ala Hollyweird?