Craziness in NYC!!!
"l, not -l" wrote:
> On 25-Aug-2012, "Pete C." > wrote:
> > "l, not -l" wrote:
> > >
> > > On 25-Aug-2012, George > wrote:
> > >
> > > > If I was in that scenario I would not have emptied a clip into someone
> > > > if I was on a crowded city street. You are supposed to know what is in
> > > > the line of fire and what damage you can cause.
> > >
> > > Have you ever been in a firefight? Ever been in the line of fire?
> > > Until
> > > you have, you have no idea what you would do.
> >
> > Says someone with likely zero firearms experience or training.
> I received my first weapon, Remington rifle, at age 10, and used my father's
> 45 in target practice at age 12. At age 20 I entered the US Army and was
> trained on the M14 and m16. Serving in a recon unit of the First Cavalry
> Division in the Republic of Vietnam 1968-1969 I carried and used M16s, 9mm
> and 45s. I have been in numerous firefights . I have seen more people die
> from gunfire than I care to think about and more than most folks who are not
> combat veterans .
Military combat and city streets with civilians are significantly
different and cannot be compared in a meaningful way.
> Given your response to my questions, I can only conclude that you have only
> come face-to-face with practice targets. I assure you, they do not have the
> impact of looking into the face of another person who is intent on killing
> you. Little paper targets with a few holes in them are unlikely to have the
> impact on you that looking into the eyes of a human being as life
> disappears.
The suspect was walking away with no weapon visible. The police failed
right off the bat by initiating an armed confrontation when no
justification existed at that point. They were not responding to an
active shooter as some suggest, they were responding to a suspect
leaving the area.
I'm afraid you have no idea of the impact shooting a human would have on
me. I am not emotional and I am not religious, any human that I have
determined is a sufficient threat to justify my use of deadly force has
already been categorized the same as the animals I may hunt.