Craziness in NYC!!!
Pete C. wrote:
> The suspect was walking away with no weapon visible. The police failed
> right off the bat by initiating an armed confrontation when no
> justification existed at that point. They were not responding to an
> active shooter as some suggest, they were responding to a suspect
> leaving the area.
SOP for the NYPD: Create a dangerous situation, Shoot your way out of
it, Bask in your "qualified immunity" from any legal repercussions.
_There was no need to confront the guy at all_ Follow from a far
distance until you get a safe opportunity to grab him, and if that never
happens or he slips away *that is OK too*, they knew who he was and
could pick him up later.
The ridiculous 12# triggers they put on NYPD guns probably has as much
to do with their poor hit ratio as anything. But what the heck; they
are not responsible for each and every bullet they fire like you or I
would be.