Craziness in NYC!!!
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:22:49 -0500, "Pete C." >
> wrote:
> >
> >> A loaded gun that
> >> just killed another person. Maybe you can buy him a coffee and
> >> persuade him to put the gun away and turn himself in. My choice is
> >> shoot the SOB before he shoots me.
> >
> >Your choice is apparently to not look at the reported facts of the
> >situation and to rather fabricate a situation that would provide
> >justification for opening fire on a crowded street.
> Point a gun at me and I'm shooting. That is the only fact I need.
Indeed, even when it has no applicability to the event being discussed.
> >
> >>
> >> According to the accounts that I read, once he spotted the police, he
> >> pulled a gun. Again, neither of us was thee so we can make up all
> >> sorts of fantasy solutions. Point a gun at me though, I'm shooting.
> >
> >According to the reports, the suspect did not present a weapon until the
> >police were something around 10' from him.
> Again, we don't know the full story, just some reports. He pointed a
> gun, they fired. Maybe they were following, maybe not. To assume he
> is going to a lesser populated place is pure speculation. He could
> have taken a hostage, he could have started randomly shooting. Many
> possibilities.
He had no weapon displayed, after being pointed out by bystanders he was
still nothing more than a suspect walking away from the area.