On 8/26/2012 10:42 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> On 8/26/2012 7:48 AM, Gary wrote:
>>> Nancy....get your lazy fat ass out working in the yard all day, being very
>>> physically active. Or go for a 15 mile hike, or a 12 mile run, or surfing
>>> all day, etc, etc. See if you don't sleep very well that night. Try it
>>> sometime and get back to us.
>> My fat ass? Even though I don't have one, that's the easy
>> insult I've come to expect from you. I mean, when you said
>> fat ass, you didn't mean it as a compliment, right?
>> Even on days when I've gone on long New Hampshire type hikes or moved
>> yards of mulch, I can still struggle to sleep. Yes, I only walked
>> 3 miles yesterday, but last night was a very long night.
>> Why don't you go for a run, maybe you can sleep later than
>> 4 in the morning yourself. I mean, it's just that easy. Right?
> For me, Yes...it's just that easy. You said you have come to expect my
> insults. Just remember, I say them in jest. I never insult someone
> purposely.
I know you say that, and I try to consider if someone is kidding,
but you didn't seem like you were responding to my tease with a
joke. I'll have to take your word for it.
Believe me, if working in the yard all day was the cure, I'd
sleep straight through the night most of every May.
> If you have a nice ass, please post a picture link. mehhehh
I haven't looked lately, but I assume gravity isn't doing my butt
any big favors. Not that my rear was ever my big attraction.
> Again...I was teasing you. Luckily, I've never had a serious sleeping
> problem. If I wake up too early, reading a book will knock me back out.
> I've discovered that I have the best energy from having 5.5 to 6 hours sleep
> per night. More than that and I feel tired all day.
I'm happy if I get that much, and I often do. I do go through sleepless
jags that eventually leave me with nothing in my tank. It would be nice
if all it took was some long walk and presto chango I'm sleeping
till noon.
> And I'm no expert on sleeping problems. I agreed with Sheldon that lots of
> exercise should do the trick as a natural way to sleep vs meds. But I argue
> and tease, then I hear other experiences or opinions and I take it all in
> and sometimes learn something new.
> Don't forget the nice ass picture!
I'm no Kardashian, that's for sure.