Chocolate cake - seasoning, storing, mixing
On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 07:44:14 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>DavidW wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>> > Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The best seasoning for chocolate cake is vanilla ice cream and mounds
>> >> of whipped cream.
>> >
>> > I prefer a bit of ground rosemary and tons of cracked pepper.
>> This is getting quite a way from chocolate cakes as I know them!
>That was a total joke told with a straight face. I enjoy freaking people out
>occasionally. As for Sheldon's preference, i would use one or the other but
>probably not both ice cream and whipped cream.
I'd have both, trying to choose would be like choosing Maria's
Molina's right or left bosom.