On Aug 26, 7:43*am, jmcquown > wrote:
> On 8/25/2012 11:20 AM, z z wrote:
> My family never did soup-I don't know if that was because we were all
> > big people and felt we needed more sustenance?
> (snippage)
> > Do you do soup?
> Do I do soup. *What a question.
> No sustenance? *I make chicken soup that is chock full of chicken and
> vegetables... sometimes I add noodles, sometimes dumplings. *Beef &
> barley soup is wonderful. *I make my father's navy bean soup with a
> meaty ham bone. *One of my signature dishes is potato leek soup served
> in toasted sourdough bread bowls. *Also roasted butternut squash soup.
> Jill
Some people can't make soup no matter how hard or not they try. Her
mom's effort must have turned out like dishwater and she never tried
again. Soup can be quite filling and a hearty meal, but a person has
to put a little effort in to the pot. From her statements in the past
about mom's cooking I gather she's a plain, bare bones, get the meal
on the table and be thankful I even cooked type of person.