On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 07:44:14 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>DavidW wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>> > Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The best seasoning for chocolate cake is vanilla ice cream and mounds
>> >> of whipped cream.
>> >
>> > I prefer a bit of ground rosemary and tons of cracked pepper.
>> This is getting quite a way from chocolate cakes as I know them!
>That was a total joke told with a straight face. I enjoy freaking people out
>occasionally. As for Sheldon's preference, i would use one or the other but
>probably not both ice cream and whipped cream.
The rosemary raised an eyebrow here, but I've seen lots of chocolate
and black pepper recipes. I've made some killer chocolate and
black pepper ice cream-
and I think it would go good with these-
[oh- and BTW-- this looks good to me-