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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Do you cook meat in the microwave?

On 2012-08-27, l, not -l > wrote:

> The microwaves does a great job with most fish; I regularly cook salmon and
> cod in the microwave. Bacon is also regularly cooked in the microwave and
> come out very crispy - just the way I like it. I haven't tried any other
> meat.

I forgot all about fish. Nuking a fish en croute works great! One
lady even won a national recipe contest with a nuked en croute fish
recipe. It was wonderful. I thought I posted it, but can't find it.
Can't find her winning accomplishment, either. A shame, but it was
rather straightforward.

Make an en croute envelope, insert fish filet, top with some carrrots,
fennel root, herbs, S&P, etc, add some stock/wine, seal envelope and
nuke. Easy-peasy and tastes awesome.


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