gtr > wrote:
>On 2012-08-25 19:36:30 +0000, said:
>> All this talk about the 'wonders' of pickle juice sounds like the old
>> 'Jogging in a Jug' hype of the '90's.
>I've noticed an uptick in the volume and display of "drinking vinegars"
It has been making me think of re-trying Switchel-- More of a
colonial new England drink, I think.
Ingredients :
1 c. light brown sugar
1 c. apple vinegar
1/2 c. light molasses
1 tbsp. ginger
2 qts. cold water
Preparation :
Combine and stir well. This can be refrigerated, but old timers
made it with cool spring water, and drank it while making hay for a
good energy restorer in the hot weather.
[He's got a bunch more variations there - including one with oatmeal
in it]
>There is apparently nothing that vinegar can't do: stop war, cure all
>diseases, reverse aging, and provide endless erections all for only $30
>if I act three months ago.
Well, if it can reverse aging, it must be able to reverse time, too---
So send them the $30 and tell them you'll apply the vinegar tot he
space/time continuum to get in under the deadline.
I'll bet they'll cash your check-- and if you can effectively reverse
the time, they should send you the book, too.