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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Soup

jmcquown wrote:
> z z wrote:
>> My family never did soup-I don't know if that was because we were all
>> big people and felt we needed more sustenance?

> No sustenance?

Studies tend to show that calorie for calorie soups are more filling
than competing types of dishes. So soups do have better sustenance for
anyone who's tried them side by side. It's bizzare to me that someone
would think soups have less sustenance.

I wonder if it's because soups have water and some people have nevre
learned the difference between thirst and hunger? I have read
directions to dieters that if you're hungry have a glass of water and
see it it goes away. To me that defines not knowing the difference
between thrist and hunger.

It could also be cooked versus raw. Not too many raw soups; plenty of
raw salads. I likre raw veggies but the cooked ones in soup are more
bioavailable and so better sustenance.