Pickle Juice
isw > wrote:
> Normally, I don't jump between browsers to satisfy the demands of
> various poorly-constructed web pages, but out of curiosity, I tried
> Firefox (my standard), Chrome, and Safari on the URLs you posted. IE is
> not available for current Macs, but I wouldn't use it even if it were,
> due to its very poor security performance.
> FF and Chrome sent me to the login window; Safari went directly to the
> recipes. I don't understand why that would be, but there it is. Two out
> of three go for the login.
I use both Mac (as a choice) and Windows (at work) and use FF as a
preference, but also IE, as needed - there is never any problem
accessing Google Groups with no login - and particularly not in this
case (and, no, I am not already logged in). Have you perhaps set up
some of your browsers to use "New Google Groups" (or whatever it is they
are called)?