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Kalmia Kalmia is offline
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Default Storing water ??

Hurricane tip: fill a large, clean, trash barrel with water. and put the lid on it. If you lose power, you can set this barrel in the sun after the storm and at least not have to take cold showers. Don a bikini, soap up a use this warm water to rinse.

Filling the bathtub is for toilet flushing and maybe some hand laundry. Even if you don't need it, you can use it for flushing later.

For cooking, I fill clean, bleach-sanitized jugs with water. I keep a collection of about 30 clean jugs on hand and sanitize at the beginning of the season. Push to shove, I guess I could drink it too if desperate. If I don't lose my running water, then I just dump the 30 gallons into the washer and do a cold wash. Drought conditions mandate this, plus my water bill.

I've been without elec. for long periods, and I'll tell ya, I'll take water over elec. ANY day.