Storing water ??
Sky > wrote:
>Anywho, I've often thought of recycling these 2-litre bottles with tap
>water for emergencies, but somehow I think perhaps a drop or few of
>chlorine should be added to the water, to make sure it's safe for
>long-term storage ?? Is this chlorine the regular sort that's used to
>clean laundry? Yeah, yeah, I can Google, but it's easier to ask here,
>and also a sort of comical 'watch' and see how 'some' folks respond ;>>
I'd keep the chlorine (bleach or similar) around to add to potential
drinking water during an emergency, but would not pre-add it to water
being stored for an emergency. Once diluted, bleach degrades,
so it is not continuing to protect your stored water.
Keeping a few glass pitchers around, and hen the main volume
of stored water in plastic containers, makes sense. That way
you can decant the water into glass, then treat it, then wait
a day or two, then drink it.
Rotating out the stored water every 6 months is best, but 18 months
is better than nothing.