Do you cook meat in the microwave?
On 2012-08-27 09:07:02 +0000, Julie Bove said:
> The person who asked me this does very little cooking and mostly dines
> out. But he acted a bit shocked that I do not. I may have tried it
> once some many years ago when I first got a microwave. Back then I did
> eggs in it a few times. I made muffins. I made chocolate pudding.
> And cheese sauce.
> Mostly I do not use the microwave to cook stuff. I melt chocolate. I
> reheat stuff. I have made sweet potatoes for my daughter and she likes
> them that way. And I have made fresh broccoli and asparagus in there.
> But meat? Doesn't sound right to me. Do you do it?
I don't have a micro-wave, and I never seem to need one.