Do you cook meat in the microwave?
jmcquown wrote:
> >> Potatoes cooked that way are perfect for gnocchi
> >
> > Nobody would touch gnocchi if their grannies hadn't trained them to
> > eat it. Potato dumplings? Really? Big yawn.
> My granny never trained me to do anything.
You ain't Italian.
> Do you really find food so boring?
> Gnocchi doesn't have to be made from potatoes. There is spinach
> gnocchi, yellow (pumpkin) gnocchi. Add cheeses, sauces, you've got a
> whole new ballgame.
Those variants sound a lot more interesting. The few times I've had
gnocchi -- some of which were in high-priced restaurants -- they were
bland and boring. I'd definitely try a gnocchi dish with herbs,
veggies, and cheese.