Thread: Pickle Juice
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Pickle Juice

gtr wrote:
> On 2012-08-26 01:23:13 +0000, Cheryl said:
>> On 8/25/2012 11:21 AM, Ema Nymton wrote:
>>> I have ambien, but I am hesitant to take it, because I am a sleep
>>> walker. A couple of nights ago, I sat up in bed, and said, "I need to
>>> refrigerate the peppers." I did not remember it, but George told me
>>> about it the next day. It is best to ignore sleep walkers, even if they
>>> talk to you. It looks like I am awake, but I am totally asleep.

>> I had scripts for Ambien in the past and I won't take them again. TMI
>> to post here.

> My wife has been having significant losses of energy; and this from a
> woman who has always been very energetic. Over the years she has found
> work stressful enough that it keeps her awake at night and so has taken
> 1/3 of a 5mg valium 5 nights or so a week. Her doctor said he thought
> her energy loss may be due to the residual effects of the valium.
> So he's given her a script for the ambien (a generic actually). We'll
> see. I'm watching her like a hawk. She has to take too many drugs for
> my comfort.

yeah, you'd better watch her like a hawk. I took a sleeping pill
?2? times, one of those times being at the sleep center. I
decided they were much too dangerous. For one thing, when driving
the next day I realized I was zoning out A LOT and could barely
drag my attention back to the road. I hope the sleep doctor
absorbed what I said about this.

Jean B.
