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pltrgyst[_2_] pltrgyst[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 530
Default Clarified butter (ghee):

On 8/29/12 12:11 PM, gtr wrote:> On 2012-08-29 01:53:08 +0000, pltrgyst
>> I use ghee almost daily, either straight or mixed with olive oil. It's
>> one of the most valuable items within arm's reach of my cooktop.

> What do you use it for.

As you guessed, ".... when one wants to cook in butter but wants to cook
at a higher temperature...."

>> 4. House spice mix

> This is *your* house spice mix? What's in it?

Yes. They constantly evolve. I keep three containers: one that includes
spicy red pepper mixes, one that includes as little red pepper as
possible, and one of mixes with a lot of salt.

Whenever I mix spices for a specific dish, the remnants go into one of
the three containers.

-- Larry