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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Clarified butter (ghee):

On Aug 29, 11:14*am, Helpful person > wrote:

> That's correct . *You can fry and brown items at a high temperature
> without burning the butter. *This allows one to use butter instead of
> oil and gives a different dimension to the flavor.

I had a feeling that might be the case because when I make the
same string beans and meat dish my grandmother used to make with
clarified butter the beans don't turn out as nice and dark as hers
did. I always thought the butter might be the difference because
other than that everything I used and how I used it was pretty much
the same as her method. I do have a question thought. My grandmother
kept hers out, by the stove - don't think she ever refrigerated it.
But she also did a lot of cooking, so maybe it probably didn't hang
around long. Is it true that clarified butter can be left out, and if
so, for how long would you say? Sounds like a hassle to make the
stuff, but I know that flavor and I think I'd like it in some of the
things I make.
