Thread: Pickle Juice
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Pickle Juice

In article <2012083008530599591-xxx@yyyzzz>, gtr > wrote:

>On 2012-08-30 04:12:47 +0000, Cheryl said:

>> At first Ambien seems harmless as long as you're already in bed when
>> you take them. Then it seems like it builds up in your body and you do
>> things in your sleep that you wouldn't normally do. Then it's like
>> you're still asleep when you've been awake for hours and are driving to
>> work. In other words, you start forgetting big parts of your day.

>These are not effects seen by all users.

It's different for everyone. In my experience, the amnesia
interval starts when the drug takes effect and lasts about four
hours. That is, if I happen to be awake during part of that
four hours, I will still have no memory of it. However I've had a few
instances of not remembering events that were 8 to 9 hours after taking
the drug (i.e. after sleeping then waking up). (By "a few" I mean
maybe once per year this happens.)

Considering that it is a potent hypnotic that can relieve serious
insomnia, the side effects seem pretty mild. But if one does not really
have insomnia, then maybe it is overkill.
