Thread: Pickle Juice
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gtr gtr is offline
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Default Pickle Juice

On 2012-08-30 17:22:00 +0000, Steve Pope said:

> In article <2012083008530599591-xxx@yyyzzz>, gtr > wrote:
>> On 2012-08-30 04:12:47 +0000, Cheryl said:

>>> At first Ambien seems harmless as long as you're already in bed when
>>> you take them. Then it seems like it builds up in your body and you do
>>> things in your sleep that you wouldn't normally do. Then it's like
>>> you're still asleep when you've been awake for hours and are driving to
>>> work. In other words, you start forgetting big parts of your day.

>> These are not effects seen by all users.

> It's different for everyone. In my experience, the amnesia
> interval starts when the drug takes effect and lasts about four
> hours. That is, if I happen to be awake during part of that
> four hours, I will still have no memory of it. However I've had a few
> instances of not remembering events that were 8 to 9 hours after taking
> the drug (i.e. after sleeping then waking up). (By "a few" I mean
> maybe once per year this happens.)
> Considering that it is a potent hypnotic that can relieve serious
> insomnia, the side effects seem pretty mild. But if one does not really
> have insomnia, then maybe it is overkill.

Thanks for the input. Duly clipped and noted.