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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Clarified butter (ghee):

"George M. Middius" wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> > So.....are the milk solids used too after clarifying butter? Surely there
> > must be a good use for them too.

> Put them back in the butter, of course. Why use butter at all if
> you're going to neuter it?

that's what I was wondering. I've never understood the need to clarify it.
But if you do, there must be a use for the solids too?


I may have sent this post to a personal address - please excuse me if I

Probably the most important reason is so you can fry with it. There's
nothing special about ghee - it's just the kind of fat that was
available. In this country, people routinely used pork fat because
that's what they could render. These days, we mostly use vegetable oil.
My guess is that's what the Indians use too.

I've never read anything about what should be done with the milk solids
in cookbooks. It's a mystery.