"Julie Bove" > wrote:
> I tried making some tonight because I was told it was a good thing to eat
> for protein when you have gout. It didn't go over some well. Granted I
> didn't have some of the ingredients that the recipe called for. Namely
> Tamari and fresh ginger. The only other ingredient was a lot of fresh
> garlic which I did have. I used the regular soy sauce that I did have
> and a little powdered ginger. I also added some green onions because
> some of the reviewers for the recipe said that it didn't have a lot of
> flavor. You're supposed to cut it (extra firm tofu) in cubes, marinate
> it in the other ingredients then fry it for 20 minutes in a little oil.
> I also made some fried rice as best I could given the dietary
> limitations. For the vegetables I used zucchini and yellow summer squash,
> green onion, carrot, celery and 3 colors of bell pepper. The rice was
> brown and I used some of that egg product that is really only the whites
> of the egg colored yellow. Also garlic and soy sauce. Angela said that
> was good. But I did make a ton of it hoping that my husband would eat
> that. I had hoped if I didn't provide much else besides fruit and veg,
> he might just eat that. But it's looking like he won't.
> We have to go shopping tomorrow for some more groceries. So how else can
> I fix the tofu? Yes, I know it can be used in place of cheese but I
> don't need to do that because cheese isn't bad for gout.
> Or maybe I should just skip it totally. I think maybe he would be more
> likely to eat scrambled eggs with vegetables and a side of toast.
> I've never really had to deal with tofu before. I think I may have tried
> it once when I was younger and didn't like it. And I know I have had it
> a few times in a restaurant and didn't like it. But he usually likes
> foreign foods and loves garlic. I have found that he and the men in his
> family will eat pretty much anything so long as I put enough garlic or
> hot pepper in it. But this seems not to apply to the tofu.
Un has used it in soups, noodle and Thai curry dishes for me. She's added
fish, chicken, pork, daikon, bok choi and of course, garlic, mushroom,
ginger, hot peppers, etc. It seems to absorb the flavors of what it's
cooked with.
Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
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