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Krypsis Krypsis is offline
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Default Frozen lemonade concentrate

On 31/08/2012 8:55 PM, Bryan wrote:
> On Thursday, August 30, 2012 5:53:52 PM UTC-5, Chemo wrote:
>> On Aug 30, 3:37 pm, George M. Middius > wrote:
>>> wrote:

>>>> For whatever reason, I missed the fact that the container is cardboard.


>>> You could always switch to one that's packaged in plastic.

>> Or just grow a lemon tree.....

> According to one source, they're "very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet.."
> --Bryan

Hey, those lyrics are from a track called "Lemon Tree" on the album,
"Dish of the Day" by Fools Garden. I heard the track on the internet,
liked it so I bought the album in, of all places, Bangkok, Thailand.

In case you hadn't noticed, I have a rather eclectic taste in music.

Another oddity is an album by G Wayne Thomas. He produced a self titled
album with very good tracks on it. I like them all without exception.
I first heard it in the early 70s and didn't find a Vinyl LP until after
haunting used record stores for nigh on 30 years. When I had one in my
hot little hands, I had it professionally mastered to CD. They have
rereleased a remastered version of the album now on CD so I bought one
of those as well. The only one of the tracks that ever became popular
was "Open Up Your Heart" and that because it was part of the sound track
on a surf movie known as "Crystal Voyager".

OB food...

We don't have a lemon tree but a lot of our friends and neighbours have
them. Since a lot of what my wife prepares requires lemon, those we
obtain are squeezed and the juice stored in special "Ice Cube Bags"

We use these;

Here's what they look like with the lemon juice in them.

The tops on the ones we use self seal when inverted. This will show you
what they look like when full.

