Krypsis > wrote:
>On 31/08/2012 8:55 PM, Bryan wrote:
>> According to one source, they're "very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet.."
>> --Bryan
>Hey, those lyrics are from a track called "Lemon Tree" on the album,
>"Dish of the Day" by Fools Garden. I heard the track on the internet,
>liked it so I bought the album in, of all places, Bangkok, Thailand.
How young *are* you? Peter Paul and Mary sang those lyrics in the
60s - Most recently that I
remember it was on a Seinfeld episode [or was it Cheers?].
>In case you hadn't noticed, I have a rather eclectic taste in music.
Not bad-- but I'll stick with PP&M.<g>
>OB food...
>We don't have a lemon tree but a lot of our friends and neighbours have
>them. Since a lot of what my wife prepares requires lemon, those we
>obtain are squeezed and the juice stored in special "Ice Cube Bags"
>We use these;
>Here's what they look like with the lemon juice in them.
>The tops on the ones we use self seal when inverted. This will show you
>what they look like when full.
I never noticed *them* before. No desire to run out an buy any--
but I'm bound to think of something to use them for someday.