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Krypsis Krypsis is offline
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Default Frozen lemonade concentrate

On 1/09/2012 1:35 AM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> Krypsis > wrote:
>> On 31/08/2012 8:55 PM, Bryan wrote:

> -snip-
>>> According to one source, they're "very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet.."
>>> --Bryan

>> Hey, those lyrics are from a track called "Lemon Tree" on the album,
>> "Dish of the Day" by Fools Garden. I heard the track on the internet,
>> liked it so I bought the album in, of all places, Bangkok, Thailand.

> How young *are* you?

Young at heart only it would seem! ;-)

Peter Paul and Mary sang those lyrics in the
> 60s -
> Most recently that I
> remember it was on a Seinfeld episode [or was it Cheers?].

Same song title, different tune, different lyrics. I was mixing them up.
That's what comes from staying up late and posting when you're young at
heart but old of body.

Above is the URL for the lyrics to the version by Fool's Garden.
>> In case you hadn't noticed, I have a rather eclectic taste in music.

> Not bad-- but I'll stick with PP&M.<g>
> -snip-
>> OB food...
>> We don't have a lemon tree but a lot of our friends and neighbours have
>> them. Since a lot of what my wife prepares requires lemon, those we
>> obtain are squeezed and the juice stored in special "Ice Cube Bags"
>> We use these;
>> Here's what they look like with the lemon juice in them.
>> The tops on the ones we use self seal when inverted. This will show you
>> what they look like when full.

> I never noticed *them* before. No desire to run out an buy any--
> but I'm bound to think of something to use them for someday.
> Jim

