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Default Clarified butter (ghee):

On 2012-09-02 01:43:16 +0000, Janet Bostwick said:

>>> I can't imagine that you can't taste the difference between corn oil,
>>> peanut oil and olive oil in a dish.

>> Don't use your imagination--heat it up good in a pan and try it.

> You need to be brave and taste each oil all by itself, uncooked. That
> is the essence of its taste. It will then be evident in the cooked
> food.

A curious assertion. I wholeheartedly disagree. By that token I should
lick a steak or piece of salmon to know what it's like when it's
cooked. Okay, so maybe that's going too far.

Nevertheless, a heated oil tastes much differently than an oil at room
temperature, and it's that oil that does the labor in a sauté. It's not
"bravery" that leads me to that thinking but a question of what the
"real world" operation would be.