Olive oil
Farm1 wrote:
> > Nah... This isn't a publishing forum.
> True, but this is a discussion group and Michael and I were in fact having a
> discussion. True, we had drifted OT but then so is much of what goes on
> here.
I must have missed the part where one of you established the context
of publication standards. When I trotted out the Churchill quote, the
discussion was still in the casual-anecdote arena.
> > Next time there's a thread about chocolate cake,
> > watch for me to say "I can resist everything except temptation." Will
> > you then commend whoever points out it wasn't my line, or will you nod
> > in recognition of the thought?
> Now, you aren't really so needy that you are already lining up responses to
> your future posts are you George?
Always. You can't get the drop on the keen wits of RFC without serious
preparation. Just ask Shelley.