On Sun, 02 Sep 2012 13:36:09 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
>On Sun, 02 Sep 2012 15:11:43 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>Janet Bostwick wrote:
>>> Sugar beets can be
>>> the size of a basketball or larger and if one of them rolls off the
>>> truck and onto your windshield, you are in trouble.
>>Really? I never knew that. I always assumed that beets were the size of a
>>baseball or so.
>Regular red garden beets, yes. Sugar beets are a different animal.
According to Reimers [their] sugar beets get to 3 lbs or so--- One of
these days I'll get around to planting some mangel beets- They are
supposed to get to 20lbs.
[and of course we all know that these are all exactly the same as any
beet/chard. All are beta vulgaris.<g>]