Thread: Olive oil
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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Default Olive oil

"Farm1" > wrote in

>> Not really because as is the case with many people, they are
>> credited with saying things which in fact were said by others
>> and they are quoting. So what you can say about something
>> like this quote is that Churchill quoted it (because he says
>> so himself that that is what he is doing).

> I would certainly not say that. The best I would say is that
> the first known instance of it's use was by Churchill.

But as we have already discovered, he himself says it was said by
someone else. It needn't be attributed at all, or if you insist on
a name, here's one that's already in the Bartlett: Anonymous.

And that is my last word on it.

P.S.: Apology excepted, and accept my apologies for the snippiness.


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