Anybody Here Make Funnel Cakes?
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2012 22:15:55 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Mon, 3 Sep 2012 19:47:31 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Mon, 3 Sep 2012 17:34:50 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> This subject came up on a forum that I frequent and many food banks
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> take expired food.
>>>>> Well, I'd like to know the credentials of the people who said that,
>>>>> and in what context.
>>>>> No, I don't want cites to their conversation. But unless they live in
>>>>> some podunk or bedroom community, I'm tending to think they don't know
>>>>> WTF they're talking about.
>>>> These are in some cases people who have worked at a food bank and had
>>>> to
>>>> throw out expired food. Or people who have been forced to use a food
>>>> bank.
>>>> I don't think any of them live around here but I am not really sure.
>>> Well I'm telling you it's just not done at a normal food bank under
>>> normal situations. Something that sits on a grocery shelf for 1-2
>>> years is not suddenly deadly or unhealthy once the clock counts down
>>> to Zero.
>>> Yes, lots of food is thrown away for various reasons. But food -
>>> especially dry, canned, and/or processed packaged food - discarded
>>> based on recent expiration date alone is rare at any food bank or food
>>> pantry worth anything.
>> After you posted this I did look it up and saw a variety of answers.
>> Seems
>> the rules really do vary from food bank to food bank.
> And you didn't find a single authoritative source for any food bank
> (not food pantry) that says they do not accept any expired food items.
Well the only actual food bank site that I went to was the Maltby one which
is the one that serves this area. They did not say one way or the other.
There was only a list of what they currently need and oddly enough most it
wasn't even food. I did think about asking them but I also didn't want them
to think I was the kind of person who just might send them some expired
food. So I restrained myself.
I just did a general search and came up with a lot of conflicting