On 2012-09-04, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> before they can be distributed, and also they don't want them as they
> are considered too unhealthful.
You actually believe such nonsense??
Sell/use/eat dates are complete bullshit producers have invented to
cover their ass. I see a use-date on a can of Budweiser and larf my
ass off. That beer couldn't possibly taste any worse 2 yrs from now
than is will 5 seconds after purchase. Canned goods --udented and/or
un-rusted-- are typically good for a leat 5 yrs. Dried beans, bag o'
sugar, etc, likewise. But these all have sell/use-by dates so
producers/retailers won't get their deep-pocket asses sued off by
money-grubbing dirtbags that will find any excuse to hire a shyster
lawyer. Yes, things with some oil content, like nuts, grains, flours,
cakes mixes, cereals, etc, will go stale. But, you can be damn sure
they will last much longer in their almost-impossible-to-open packages
than that nonsense sell/use-by date. The food distribution centers
are no different. Jes cuz they are non-profit doesn't mean some
dirtbag homeless person won't go after 'em if they smell $$$. They
know it.
OTOH, some of these charitable orgs are getting a bit high-handed. I
recall one journalist in the SFBA wrote an article beseeching
contributors to not give dried beans or canned meat or tomato paste.
They wanted things like canned chili or canned stew. Apparently, the
folks running the soup kitchens were dumber'n a bag o' hair and wanted
pre-processed foods they didn't hafta prepare. I gave 'em a case of
spam and a 50lb bag of dried pinto beans. Cook or starve, ******s!
Definition of objectivism:
"Eff you! I got mine."