Do you eat tofu?
Peppermint Patootie > wrote:
: In article >,
: Nick Cramer > wrote:
: > Un has used it in soups, noodle and Thai curry dishes for me. She's added
: > fish, chicken, pork, daikon, bok choi and of course, garlic, mushroom,
: > ginger, hot peppers, etc. It seems to absorb the flavors of what it's
: > cooked with.
: I grew up eating tofu, and when I was a kid it was somewhat exotic. We
: had to buy it (out of a bucket) from the back of an Asian gift store on
: Broadway or go down to Chinatown. We never dreamed of growing up in a
: world in which we could buy it in most supermarkets.
: I have a tub in my fridge right now. I use it in stirfries, sour-hot
: soup, pork soup with cabbage, and so on.
: PP
: --
: "What you fail to understand is that criticising established authority by means
: of argument and evidence is a crucial aspect of how science works."
: - Chris Malcolm
I remember getting that both at Fairay and at the small Korean produce adn
a few other things stores that were so common in my earlier married days.
they seem to all have disappeared. I guess that first generation that
ran these store is now retired anad the kids have all gone to college and
have other kinds of jobs now.
I also miss that tofu. I think it kind of hung together better.