Do you eat tofu?
In article >,
"W. Baker" > wrote:
> Julie Bove > wrote:
> : When we lived in NY we used to get Teriyaki chicken sticks. The kids loved
> : them. I don't think they're authentic at all. Is Teriyaki even Chinese?
> : I
> : thought it was Japanese but I could be wrong.
> Teriyaki is Japanese and quite sweet so I don't make it, although it can
> be quite simple IIRC, soysaouse, sine and, honey(I believe, seasoned with
> ginger and used as a maraade adn sauce for a number of foods. No reason
> not to use it on pieces of chicken, boneless or not.
> Not terrible diabetic friendly:-(
I make a marinade with tamari, ginger, garlic, and splenda.
It's not quite teriyaki, but close enough, and is marvellous with
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