Do you eat tofu?
In article >,
"W. Baker" > wrote:
> : I grew up eating tofu, and when I was a kid it was somewhat exotic. We
> : had to buy it (out of a bucket) from the back of an Asian gift store on
> : Broadway or go down to Chinatown. We never dreamed of growing up in a
> : world in which we could buy it in most supermarkets.
> : I have a tub in my fridge right now. I use it in stirfries, sour-hot
> : soup, pork soup with cabbage, and so on.
> I remember getting that both at Fairay and at the small Korean produce adn
> a few other things stores that were so common in my earlier married days.
> they seem to all have disappeared. I guess that first generation that
> ran these store is now retired anad the kids have all gone to college and
> have other kinds of jobs now.
> I also miss that tofu. I think it kind of hung together better.
The tofu I get at Asian markets is that kind. I much prefer it to the
"crunchy granola" tofu that's sold at places like the food co-op and
Whole Foods. Nowadays the tofu in the Asian markets in those plastic
tubs -- rectangular tubs with sheet plastic across the top for one or
two bricks and quart or larger buckets with lids for 4-6 bricks. It can
have writing in pretty much any Asian language on it. I think I've
eaten Vietnamese, Cambodian, or Thai tofu that's indistinguishable from
what I grew up eating.
BTW, I'm coming down to NYC over Columbus Day weekend so my niece can
look over Columbia and NYU. I don't think we're going to have a spare
moment (and I don't know yet where we're staying), but I wish I could
stop by the West 90s and say "hi!" I don't think she's going to end up
in NYC (I'm trying to get her to think about Swarthmore and Brown*), but
if she does, we'll have to get together for a cup of tea or something
some time when I'm down visiting her!
* She was babbling on about California (Pomona, Stamford, etc.), and I
panicked, thinking, "Who's going to pay for her plane tickets?" which is
what got me putting ideas about NYC, Philadelphia, and Providence in her
head. Harvard is out because it's too much where she grew up. OK,
she'll move away for college, but not across the country!
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