Jeff Smith the Frugal Gourmet RIP
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 05:21:29 -0500, "jmcquown"
> wrote:
>Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>> On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 21:57:19 -0500, "jmcquown" >
>> wrote:
>>> Mpoconnor7 wrote:
>>>> I just heard it on the CBS hourly radio news.
>>>> Michael O'Connor - Modern Renaissance Man
>>> Jefferson Smith taught me how to make a great spinach quiche and
>>> also a nice pot roast with mushrooms in port and several other items
>>> from a number of books. I have to say, I don't give a shit about
>>> the accusations and frankly don't believe them; he was the precurser
>>> to modern day television chefs when there was no food TV. He will
>>> be missed.
>>> Jill
>> You would give a shit if you were a little child handled by him.
>> What makes you say you don't believe them? Children very rarely lie
>> about such things and he saw fit to settle the matter out of court.
>> Sheena
>Children lie all the time. I have a nephew who, whilst he never accused
>anyone of sexual improprieties, certainly lied his ass off on a regular
>basis. I recall one morning just as I left for work getting a call from his
>school because they couldn't reach his dad and I was the emergency contact.
>He was oh, 9 or 10 at the time. He'd claimed he was late for school because
>he was accosted by some bigger boys, knocked out and left in a ditch. Can I
>come pick him up? Great. I have to call in to work and say I can't be
>there. I go to pick him up. "Hi, aunt Jill!" Gee, you certainly don't
>*look* like you were mugged and left in a ditch. In fact, your clothes
>aren't even dirty. His biggest concern seemed to be when Blockbuster would
>open so I could rent some videos for him to watch, which I refused to do.
>This same "child" is now an adult, living on my brothers good graces at the
>age of 23, called 911 just a couple of months ago and accused my brother
>(his father) of abusing him. This, because he didn't hear my brother yell
>upstairs to say there was a phone call for him. So he freaked out, got in
>their faces, threatened to hit the woman who lives there. When the cops got
>there, the "boy" was bleeding from scratches all up and down his arms and he
>claimed his father had done this to him. I can guarantee, if my 53 year old
>brother wanted to lay hands on his son he wouldn't "scratch" him; he'd put
>his head through the freakin' wall. Guess who the cops took to jail that
>night? Wasn't my brother, I can tell you that.
>Now, you tell me, do children lie?
you're post made me think of this Jill...I didn't know Jeff Smith but
I did watch his cooking show occasionally. Isn't it interesting that
all these young men who were alledgedly molested by Jeff as children
never told their parents or the cops about the alledged molestation
until after Jeff Smith became famous on PBS and probably had "money"
that a "trial lawyer" could persue? There should be a statute of
limitations or some kind of law to prevent people from from smearing
other people in court just because they have become famous and
wealthy. Money...the root of all evil...