Circulon pan help!
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 17:35:21 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Some years ago I was given a gift card for a store that I dislike. They
>> have a website online and I finally decided to order something there
>> since I
>> really don't like going in the store. I don't know what it is about it
>> but
>> it makes me feel generally uneasy. I think it is the lighting or
>> something.
>> It seems too dimly lit and dingy in there. And I get annoyed when I see
>> their high prices for things that I can get for much less elsewhere.
>> This store had a Circulon very large sauté pan on clearance. I can't
>> remember the price now but I think it was around $70. I wouldn't
>> normally
>> pay that much for a pan but I just wanted to use up the gift certificate.
>> I
>> think it might be a non-stick pan although it isn't a Teflon type
>> coating.
>> Turns out that it was my favorite pan ever! Was. Then something
>> happened
>> to it. I'm not sure when it happened. Used to be that I could cook
>> anything and everything in it and it was fine. Then all of a sudden,
>> eggs
>> would weld themselves to the pan. And now really anything and everything
>> I
>> cook is sticking. And very badly. I just did some chicken in the pan.
>> Also did a couple of pieces in the new Orgreenic pan which is really too
>> small to do more than one whole breast.
>> The Orgreenic pan seemed to get a lot hotter a lot quicker. It came out
>> perfectly. The chicken in my Circulon pan not only stuck very badly but
>> burned. I used a garlic and herb marinade on it.
>> The problem now is that I feel that the pan is not coming fully clean
>> when
>> try to clean it. I have had to resort to using a wire brush which I am
>> sure
>> has probably destroyed whatever of the non-stick coating was there. I
>> keep
>> scrubbing and scrubbing and black bits keep coming off. I am pretty sure
>> that the black bits are stuck on food. I can't get the surface to get
>> smooth like it one was.
>> So where did I go wrong?
> Cleaning a non stick pan with a wire brush - that's the coating coming
> off, not the food. And not knowing how to cook if you're burning
> chicken in a pan in the first place.
Yes but I only resorted to a wire brush when it wouldn't come off otherwise.
I was trying to find out what might have caused the food to stick to begin
I have since ordered two pans. They cost less than I thought they would.
The chef's and the saute from They may not match. I don't
> But you already knew that. You just wanted us to tell you that.
> Nothing more to see here.
Well no. I still would like some ideas as to what might have caused the
food to stick to begin with. I have only ever had that happen waaaay back
when I bought cheap non-stick skillets. They never worked very well.