Beginner questions welcome
Is it safe to boil water in a nonstick pan?
Do I need a silicone pastry brush to put water on the edges of
ravioli, or will a nylon brush work too?
What's the difference between minced garlic and crushed garlic?
If I slice up a pork shoulder, can I still braise the pieces, or do I
have to grill them like steaks?
If I can't get langostinos, can I substitute shrimp?
What's the difference between wine from southern Italy and wine from
northern Italy?
I want to make some bread but I don't have a bread machine. Which kind
should I buy?
If I make a wine sauce and cook it long enough for the alcohol to
evaporate, how can I be sure it's safe for an alcoholic to eat?
I like dates but I don't like chicken. Will I like whole wheat bread
that has flax seeds in it?
Not all of these questions have appeared on RFC, of course. Let's talk
about them now so we can be sure of establishing a comprehensive
reference source in the Usenet garbage pit. Uh, make that the Usenet