Question for Imstillmags or any substitute if he's dead, please
On Sep 17, 5:47*pm, sf > wrote:
> He needs some moisture in the pot or to keep a very close eye on it if
> he doesn't. *I dried out the last small pork shoulder I cooked to the
> pull stage in a dry dutch oven and it was awful.
I don't have a real thick pot, but I browned a 2 pound pork loin
roast in it and added only some sun dried tomatoes, onion, and garlic,
and very little water, a cup I think, and it turned out ok. Not only
is my oven in bad shape, the burners are electric (dont like em), and
are not consistent in heat level. It's time for a new one if I can
work up the nerve to demand one from the owners of this place which is
I think I have it down. I don't want to use an abundance of
veggies that might conflict with the taste of the sauce I'll be
putting the meat into afterward, so I think an onion and some garlic
and maybe celery as suggested by someone else will do the trick.
Thanks to all.