Question for Imstillmags or any substitute if he's dead, please
On Sep 20, 3:30*pm, wrote:
> At least you are trying nothing wrong with that. I'll have to read on
> later in this post and see how it all turned out.
> Take care of that burn
> koko
I took Mags recipe as a starting point and can see that next time
I will make the tomatillas less blended, a bit more chunky if my
blender will allow it. I'm using fresh ones. As for the burn, that
steroid cream - had it sitting around for half a year or more - $45 a
jar, prescribed - let me tell you, it works. If I were a professional
torturer and I only had one victim in my stable I'd have some of that
stuff around to put on his wounds every night so the following day I
can start out fresh on a clearly restored and mended victim. The burn
was probably not bad anyway, but I do know this siveradi/steroid mix
works. Maybe I'll put a little in the chile sauce and see if it mends
my internal strife. Thanks for your posts on this matter.