Thread: dammit
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Todd Todd is offline
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Default dammit

On 09/21/2012 05:27 PM, Todd wrote:
> On 09/21/2012 01:34 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:
>> On Sep 21, 2:05 am, Todd > wrote:
>>> I meant I do not like the taste of production spinach. I
>>> did not mean it was actually toxic, even though it tastes that
>>> way to me. :-)

>> Todd - confession - I was merely using your post as an excuse to
>> improvo-storm my way into a rambling message. I do use the bagged
>> stuff though. I see what you mean about how flat it is. But I use it
>> a lot. I don't like spinach raw. I don't dislike it, I just prefer
>> it cooked. Brings out the flavor. Sometimes I actually prefer the
>> cheaper bagged stuff that is more crude and curly and not as nice
>> looking. It's easy to make, probably why I overeat it. I was joking,
>> in a way, about the world being toxic. Truth is, we're really nothing
>> more than walking garbage cans, all of us.
>> And we're all looking for that big dumpster in the sky,
>> TJ

> Hi TJ,
> Warning: a rant is about to proceed!
> Humans are omnivorous, like bears. Except for bears are
> also carrion eaters, unless you consider hot dogs to
> be carrion, then we are exactly like bears.
> Me, I eat pretty much what I like and can afford. Here
> was a bit surprise to me. I stopped by one of our community
> organic farms. I bought some tomatoes, cantaloupes, egg plant,
> carrots and squash. The carrots stunk of my car all day.
> It took supreme discipline not to pull over and eat the
> damn tings right there on the spot. Since when do carrot
> have a pleasant order (dude talk for aroma) and actually
> taste good. When I finally got home, my wife and I
> "devoured" the stuff. And she hates produce! But not this
> stuff.
> This stuff actually tasted good! No wonder I have always
> hated production (big farms) produce from the store. YUK!!!
> The tomatoes were firm and sweet! Since when did any of this
> stuff taste good?! I don't think I have eaten a vine ripe
> cantaloupe in 20 years!
> As I said, I pretty much eat what I like and can afford.
> Produce that is picked ripe and not hybridized to be
> picked green (not ripe), lay flat in a crate, and not
> spoil is disgusting. Did I mention: YUK? No wonder
> nearly everyone does not like produce and only eat it
> out of guilt. You might as well be eating processed food!
> Fortunately, I can only stop by this community farm
> once a week or I'd go bankrupt. You must, you must
> taste a community organic tomato that you pick yourself
> from the vine. You will never buy produce in the store
> again. (One of these days my black thumb will start
> to turn a little green and I will get some good yields
> from my tiny organic garden.)
> End of rant.
> -T

Hi TJ,

I can't credit who said this before me, but every American
should have his own Doctor, Dentist, and Farmer.



Maybe not the Doctor or Dentist. Maybe.