On 09/24/2012 10:18 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:
> On Sep 24, 3:02 pm, Todd > wrote:
>> Interesting, when I was a kid, when my mom tried to feed me
>> Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Asparagus, I literally thought
>> she was trying to kill me.
>> Interesting how our tastes change. And how they do not. Lima
>> Beams should be illegal. Okay, I know, my own words, let the
>> Free Market decide.
> Then you agree with me that even with the best produce available,
> in general kids don't like vegetables as much as fattening stuff, and
> that could be because if they're normal kids they need the fat. I am
> not against educating kids to all foods and making them available, but
> to force kids into vegetarian diets or any sort of diet period, that I
> think is not right. At the same time I don't care because I figure if
> you're a living creature on this earth you should consider yourself
> lucky to have any sort of food available to you.
> Let them eat shit!
> TJ
My contention is that if it tastes good, folks will eat it. Production
produce picked so green it never ripens (especially Organic Production
Produce) does not taste right.
As far as fat goes, I eat natural and organic meat all the time.
We are omnivorous and I am no exception. Some of the community
organic farms rotate between grass, produce, cattle, chicken,
lamb, etc.. They all go on the dinner table (not the grass).
Anyone who tells you to just each only one or only eat the other
is just foolish.
So, take you kids to the farms, let them play with their
food, let them eat their delicious produce next to
their delicious lamp chops.