"Bryan" wrote in message
On Sep 22, 9:53 am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> "ImStillMags" wrote in message
> ...
> On Sep 21, 5:58 pm, "Somebody" > wrote:
> > The ex was out of milk the other day, and her kids wanted some. So she
> > went
> > to the organic store near her, they had a gallon... for $12! Who would
> > pay
> > that?
There is a farm near Chicago that sells raw Guernsey milk for $9/
gallon. We were going to buy some when we went there last week, but
basically just ran out of time. Next time we visit Chicago, it'll be
high on our list. Now that my wife bought a membership to the Art
Institute, we'll be going there at least twice a year.
> I would pay $0. I don't drink milk. IMHO the only ones who should
> drink cows milk are baby cows/calves.
It's good that you are humble about your idiotic opinion.
> *******************
> I love milk. I drink fat-free milk; had a tall glass of it yesterday, as
> a
> matter of fact 
> I bought a half gallon last week for $2.65. It's pricier than it used to
> be, sure. But consider the drought conditions in the U.S. this year. The
> price of everything has gone up.
> "Organic" food ****es me off. It's just an excuse for retailers to charge
> more because someone slapped a label on it.
> Jill
Why does it **** you off? Is somebody forcing you to buy it? More
likely you just have a nasty disposition, and are looking for things
to be ****ed off about. Though in your defense, I can see how
drinking that insipid, white sugar water might induce joylessness.
I don't buy anything with a label proclaiming it's organic, because there's
no way to verify the claim.
As for fat-free milk, I love it. I can and sometimes do drink 2% milk, if
that's what is available. If I try to drink whole milk these days, might as
well just hand me a carton of half & half or cream to drink. The
consistency of whole mile seems thick and unappealing. I've been drinking
fat-free milk since I was a teenager. It's what I'm used to. Sue me.