Olive oil vs sunflower oil
"Steve Pope" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove > wrote:
>>"Zephirys" > wrote in message
>>> Which is the best oil between olive and sunflower one, in order to get
>>> proper french fries?
>>I don't think you can deep fry in olive oil.
> You can't. Or anyway, it's an extremely poor idea. Even if it
> didn't smoke, it would vaporize.
> I do however oven-roast poatatoes brushed/tossed with olive oil
> and salt, which works.
Yes. I do the potatoes like that too.
I once had a kitchen fire from olive oil. Many years ago. I heated a small
amount on the stove in a skillet to use as a hair treatment. I didn't
realize how quickly it would heat up! I walked into the other room for a
minute. Fortunately my apartment was an open floor plan so I could see the
fire from the living room! And fortunately it was a small fire because it
was such a small amount of oil.