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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Olive oil vs sunflower oil

Julie Bove > wrote:

>"Steve Pope" > wrote in message

[oliv oil]

>> You can't. Or anyway, it's an extremely poor idea. Even if it
>> didn't smoke, it would vaporize.

>> I do however oven-roast poatatoes brushed/tossed with olive oil
>> and salt, which works.

>Yes. I do the potatoes like that too.
>amount on the stove in a skillet to use as a hair treatment. I didn't
>realize how quickly it would heat up! I walked into the other room for a
>minute. Fortunately my apartment was an open floor plan so I could see the
>fire from the living room! And fortunately it was a small fire because it
>was such a small amount of oil.

Easy to believe. Remember, in classical times olive oil was burned
in oil lamps. Eventually replaced by whale oil, and then, various
mineral oils, fractionated from coal at first.
