Olive oil vs sunflower oil
Sqwertz > wrote:
[ deep fry in olive oil ]
>Sure you can. Just like any other oil. It has about the same smoke
>point of Peanut Oil. And these even a couple of brands of potato
>chips that are fried in pure olive oil.
It's possible, but in my experience olive oils available to
consumers have really inconsistent smoke points. They also
vary in how much they start to fume, at temperatures well below the smoke
point. If you could get the right stuff, and set your deep fryer
to the right temperature, I'm sure it works (although it might
be a slow, greasy fry). I just don't know if it's practical,
at a consumer level.
The "fried in olive oil" potato chips probably use some exact industrial
fraction of olive oil that works for what they're doing.