Olive oil vs sunflower oil
Bryan > wrote:
> On Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:04:31 PM UTC-5, gregz wrote:
>> Zephirys > wrote:
>>> Which is the best oil between olive and sunflower one, in order to get
>>> proper french fries?
>> Cottonseed oil, or go for duck fat. They will be properly tasty.
> Why would anyone even consider buying cottonseed oil? It is the worst,
> junk oil there is. It's worse than soybean. I doubt you actually use
> it, but are probably just blowing out your ass something you read
> somewhere on the internet.
>> Greg
> --Bryan
Utz regular chips are made using cottonseed oil. I said to myself, how come
these taste better than the rest. Then I looked how they are made.