Olive oil vs sunflower oil
On Monday, October 1, 2012 8:29:18 PM UTC-5, gregz wrote:
> Bryan > wrote:
> > On Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:04:31 PM UTC-5, gregz wrote:
> >> Zephirys > wrote:
> >>
> >>> Which is the best oil between olive and sunflower one, in order to get
> >>> proper french fries?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Cottonseed oil, or go for duck fat. They will be properly tasty.
> >>
> > Why would anyone even consider buying cottonseed oil? It is the worst,
> > junk oil there is. It's worse than soybean. I doubt you actually use
> > it, but are probably just blowing out your ass something you read
> > somewhere on the internet.
> >>
> >> Greg
> >
> > --Bryan
> Utz regular chips are made using cottonseed oil. I said to myself, how come
> these taste better than the rest. Then I looked how they are made.
OK, but cottonseed is the cheapest commodity oil, and it is bad stuff. Sure, it's pretty tasteless because it has to be refined to even be edible, and is not something that anyone should choose to fry in because it goes rancid quickly, including in the human body. Cottonseed oil is a good thing, but only for converting into fuel for diesel engines. It is a waste product of cotton production. It is not fit for human consumption.
> Greg